Thursday, March 12, 2015

The writer in me

I know I'm a writer. I express myself solely of how I feel about a certain life experiences.
Sometimes, I write as an observer - I love to observe people, maybe it s a hobby of mine. I watch everything about a person or a situation that's happening right in front of my eyes. Such drama, trivia, most of we've seen on TV or the movies. A lot of what I watch at times -is either joy, lots of hardship and plenty of utter crap. But all life is one big experience, isn't it?
This need I feel to write is so strong, it keeps me up at night. It's quiet, dark and it's mine. I own this piece because I give a damn what I write about. It's all about you, me and all of us here - living in this world, at this time, and the time is now.
I am not you, nor your neighbor nor your friend's friend. I listen to your conversations, your dreams, your joys, your hardships. We may or may not have similar experiences. We all travel a different road.
The roads of life vary from smooth to rough. Some roads like mine, have been dusty full of potholes.

We've all been through things we wouldn't dare write about. But you'll read someone like me. You'll read me because either you relate or you're curious. Yeah curious. I like that. You read to see if there's a solution to a life's problem you're facing, or you want to cope because you're confused about your life. Maybe you're too afraid to strip yourself naked with your emotions to write them down. Well friend, you are naked when you write yourself on the page - when asking a question or posting a story. You may hesitate to post. And you want to post, but you'll just have strip all inhibitions. You've got to be raw to experience the freedom you have on the page. The exhilaration for me is a rush. Pure raw creative freedom of expression, as if making love. A passion flowing between myself and you. Entwined in the divine page and not giving a damn about anything else.
So here I am, the writer, naked with you the reader. And I'm going to make my words love you because, I want you. I am expressing myself to you, and you alone.
I want to capture you with my title, entice you with my charming phrases. Flirt with you, like you want me too. Tell you a story to arouse your senses in a way that draws you near me. Come closer, I want to express my desires in my paragraphs. Embrace you solemnly with what I am conveying to you, in my writing. And it feels so good to me. So good, I am unfolding feelings I need to let go. Perhaps I am confessing something I have or haven't done before. To be creative is not to be afraid.

I will tell you who I am without holding back. Yes, rock you with my vision through this night I own. Allow me to show you some passage of thought to awaken a luscious
memory in you. I'm grabbing you with all I have inside and bang you with my words.
Yes, bang you with my words till you can't take no more. I am dripping with this need to express my soul to you on this page. So what are you waiting for?. Be deviant ardent with your love to write. Say what is true, from your heart.
As a writer, all I want. All I have ever so wanted more than anything, is for you to read me.

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