Saturday, April 4, 2015

Wishful Sweetness

Just let me say

in my very special way

how I feel about you

all this time I’ve been writing love poems

to wrong women whom I thought I loved

but the truth is, they were just mere infatuations

till the moment you arrived and became known in my heart.

I know you must be overwhelmed and stirred up crazy

for all the things I’ve said to you these past few weeks

I truly meant with my heart and you know this.

I am not going to question my heart, I have done it way

too much and bruised it very badly settling for second best.


well I don’t want that. I want an equal and patient lover/partner

I want someone to laugh at my stupid jokes in the middle of
the night

and kiss me because they love my wittiness.

I want you to laugh at me when I wake up with my hair sticking up

as if I had an alien probe last night.

I want to watch you sleep like a baby and hold you

when we cry at sad or happy events. I want to surprise you every chance

I get because you love surprises and

I love to watch that surprised look on your face.

I want to dance with you and feel you close to me

to we, to each other. I want to rest my face

and nestle myself on your neck forever

and feel your breath, your voice whisper ’it’s alright’.

I want to be strong for you when you feel weak and vice a versa.

And if we both just happen to feel weak together -

then hell let’s order Chinese and I’ll go buy a pint of Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

and feed each other sweetness like we know how.

And when we’re strong together nothing

and I mean nothing will ever tear us apart

because God gave me you to love and me to love you

so we love each other deeply and I promised

to love all of God’s gifts - especially - you, the biggest

and best present I have and will ever cherish. I am proud of you

because I love a person who is beautiful charming intelligent

and is a very creative individual. You have made your mark to the world

and have many more accomplishments yet to attain.

I want to spend quiet moments with you and read you my poetry

while you feed me your latest cuisine creation.

I want to take long walks with you wherever we go

and hold your hand or tuck your arm underneath mine.

I want to sit across from you at a crowded restaurant sipping wine

we’re decked to the nines and have people stare at us

because we look so damn good together

and we are two damn good-looking women.

I want to wrap my arms around you

and pretend to never let you go and kiss you passionately

as if it were always the first time, and I want you to know,

I will never forget the first time I kissed you.

Because kissing you will be better than any kiss I have ever had.

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