Sunday, April 12, 2015

Investment Time (Poem)

what do I do when things get crazy?

what do I do when outcomes are too strong?

like coffee brewed twice days'

you take a sip of life

and reel from the taste of your own ways.

You forgive so well, forget some past

remember there is joy to be had

that there is good is all to certain degrees,

lately some of us are so drawn to show, the bad.

How do I feel to be naked on the page?

when I strip myself and reveal all that  I am, to you?

Do you take advantage of my good nature?

or do you put our knowing each other to some investment,

to some potential future? a friendship?

Tell me how, you really feel

or you wish to remained clothed with baggage

in heart... I get that.

How do you expect a given dividend in return,

when your wallet of uncertainty

is all ready... fat.

What am I do with my life in months to come?

when I can only live, one moment at a time.

Tired so tired of being strong

I wish the ride of life would stop

this rhyme.

The time to recover from you

now, is all mine.

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