Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I express myself through writing

I write because it is part of me. Something inside me call to put how I feel on the page. I write alone, with my thoughts coming out of my head, with feelings coming out of my heart, and emotions coming out of my soul. I write with every fiber I have. My experience I know well. But so different from you. I share because I know I'm not the only writer who feels this way... I don't know, I can only and will speak for myself. And since  I have written for as long as I can hold a pencil writing stupid meaningless stories  - with run on sentences and grammar that gave me the damn red pencil marks. I'm still here, on the page writing this to myself. Reminding me that I have something to say and don't care if another reads it or not. I write it because this is the way I express myself and that it's the only way I know how.

I am not here to gain audience, no. I am grateful that you have read this. All that I have stated is my truth. The expression I have is in written form. Sometimes you may find pieces of wisdom, other times humor, rant, a poem. But what I write, is mine and I share it with you because I want to and have nothing to hide. I am the same here as I am everywhere. And like most of us have a bit or more anonymity than others. But what you see IS what you get - all the time... no more, no less. I harm no one. If I do, I readily apologized and move forward. I can forgive you - even when you slap me in the face with words and actions. But just know, I can slap you back... then forgive you. Because I don't want you to think I'm a fake when I write. Sure I can do fiction and for the writer there has to be some convincing  truth in the character and the story for you to follow.

If a story relates to life, we can relate one way or another. I want to be able to convey all that I place on the page. So when you read it, I am with you. And maybe one time or another you may have felt similar to want I am trying to say...then maybe not. But you have a basic understanding of what you are reading. I am simple in expression with very deep moving parts my soul tries to capture words within. Emotions get in the way - though very much needed for a person like myself and I use everything I have, just to write now to you - the page.

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