Tuesday, April 14, 2015

False Bravado (Poem)

Tried everything I could
to rid you off my mind
but my heart kept sending me messages
to try to reach you
to find some answers to where I stood with you
the only way for me to move on.
Yet when I found you
you wondered how I found you
instead of asking me how I was
all the time I have wanted to know how you were
yes, you do give a cold shoulder
a doubt, I expected as it's been a while.
You act as if you've moved on... but I find it hard to believe
after all we have shared between us.
You once told me you never wanted to hurt me
Yet  I feel you think you did
but I don't feel that way at all
You say our friendship depends on how I make amends with another
I said friends don't come in packages.
For you are a lovely package to know, wrapped up tightly to pry open now
when I want a simple answer
and I get you're tired of cartwheels... well I'm tired of watching you do them
I try to keep a smile but hide my tears
but I am bewildered - as you talk a good nature way about you
but deep inside I see a sweet scared little girl
hidden in a lovely palace room having it all
yet missing always something...
what is it you might say
I say a deep connection with someone - you won't admit
yet so many have fallen for you because you have a charm,
a way about you
so irresistible... nothing satisfies you
though you say that you are...
I once traveled to a  secret passage, way to your soul
was open to me just enough to wander in
and in it I found an indescribable love I cherish
a mutual nurturing only you and I shared
and to think we treat each other like respectable strangers now
all the while I wanted more but couldn't have being respectful
yet settled to be just a loving friend.
The door to your secret passage was abruptly closed
one day unbeknownst to me
and  I wondered lost like a child in the forest
to find my way back, back to you
So now the question had me pondering
that is why I had to find you - doing I hope well
and I can't tell you enough from my heart
how much I have missed you
and wanting so much to know, if you missed me too?
yet no answer, the cold shoulder continues
and you swear you don't project that... but to me, you do
I just want to know
do you really wish for me to hate you?
do you really wish for me to dislike you?
because it is so much easier to get over someone
that way...isn't it? Maybe for you, love.
But for me, I wasn't made that way... no not that way at all.
and you know this - you know this very well.
You are hurt, darling and I feel it
and I am sorry I have disappointed you. You won't talk about it.
Why won't you accept me
as you say you accept others for all that they are?
I wish to understand, I do.
Yet, we continue to hide behind a false bravado.

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