Thursday, May 10, 2018

Care Of Self

Taking care of self in all aspects is so important to oneself, and attracts partner.

Be no one but you, not what someone else wants you to be.

If they or you can not accept them for all that they are, You are not worthy of each other for inner growth in your journey together.

Strive for personal growth in self, each other with love and gratitude.

You are loved.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Soul Power

What do you want?

Where do you wish to go?

With someone or with yourself


Look within.

Sometimes we do have to look within for answers

they may not be what you want to hear

but they are real and truth is very real.

Focus on the goals
those beautiful dreams you have

you can make those dreams come true.

Surround yourself with love

love of self, love of home, love of humanity

love of all beautiful...

because all is beautiful in what you see.

A select people or persons come into our lives

mirror what we need to change for the better..

and if we have changed, there IS a new chapter in your life

The people in your life will see this beauty in you

either they will be with you or not...

let go of the ones not on board with you

let go of illusions, addictions, obsessions, confusions,

cloud you.

Welcome your new beginning

you have support.

So find your power

do what is right for you,

do not allow anyone to take your inner power

keep those who only wish to enhance it,

everything will fall into place.

Don't fight the divine

allow it to just happen

do it with love..and love unconditionally,

It's time to cross that bridge of beauty.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Pics Of Spring April 2018

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

Some People...

Some people never tell you
what's inside them
they only talk from the crust of their pie
never give you filling.
You wonder .
Some people come into your life
unexpectedly crash in
make themselves at home
in your heart in your mind.
You wonder.
Some people say one thing
do another
tell you a lie as if it were a truth,
you wonder.
Some people come into your life
for a reason
to tell you something about them
and accept each other
for all that you are.
Stop wondering
it's all a lesson.
Be grateful
tell them you love them,
once the lesson is achieved,
and you both no longer service each other,
you find yourselves arguing. Stop, let go
and move forward with or without them.
We all meet for a reason. 



I don't have to defend my feelings nor my worth to you

You don't have to belittle my spirit

I accept you for all that you are

though no matter what I do

is not good enough for you.

Spiritual connections cannot be explained

they just happened

but we met for a reason

to learn a lesson.

I go to bed I ask God for forgiveness
for my sins

I can go to bed with a clean slate

knowing I owned up to my faults

accept my flaws

and work so hard to try to make things better.

Maybe we had to go through all this

we had to...regardless of the outcome.

We just have to deal with it, individually.

Wish for the best for all involved without malice.

Leave, feeling you did your best

wish them love and well in their life.

Because you know who you are

and whether they love you or not.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Know Your Truth

From every challenge that comes
I face it head on to the best of my ability
I will fight with my words of truth, my head of reason
and with my loving my heart.
You may not like what I say or the way I say it,
but this this the way I feel and I will not lie about it.

I will admit my faults and will apologize
I know my flaws and wear them to remind me
that I am imperfect.

I am just as human as you
and while I may not like your behavior
I know there are superior qualities in you
I recognized admire and love about you
no matter your flaws or faults,
I accept you, for all that you truly are.

Though no matter the outcome of the defeated challenge
I have learned another lesson
to work a plan and let go of things inside myself
I no longer need
I gently let them go

It's not about letting go people
because we are all going through different life challenges
we ought to support each other
instead of judging each other.
Because when we start judging each other
you are telling yourself what you need to work on.
Know your truth and be gentle with yourself.

Love & Hugs💋

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Enjoying Spring!

 Hope you are enjoying Spring!
The beauty of nature surrounds
envelops you
wants you 
to notice it's here!

 Hear the songs
of birds calling throughout the day.
Take the songs and blend them
into your day.
Be blessed by your surroundings
let go off past habits
behaviors that hold you back.
Time to start anew with passion
and begin and fresh start...
you deserve it. 
Be grateful and love all around.