Sunday, January 24, 2016

 The snow storm has passed. I have two days of photos taken from my front door walkway.
I have no idea how long it will take to shovel my way out, as I'm not getting younger... lol!
Though I and grateful not to lose power, for a bit it seemed touch and go. You never know what a storm can bring... Going out every two hours to shovel my front walk way as it is my only way out... I'll be resting with a good night's sleep.
I hope everyone that had gone through this is safe.
Everyone stayed off the roads... but I do dread if we can venture out Monday... we shall see. Be safe and enjoy the quiet treacherous beauty that Winter can be.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Wishing all the best in 2016. Thanks for stopping by!! Will post one.... Coming soon!
A very safe and Happy New Year to you. Love you, Kat