Saturday, June 4, 2016

Random Thoughts - Blooming Flowers!

 I was very fortunate to visit some friends for a Memorial day cookout and took some photos of their lovely flowers.
I am simply fascinated by their shapes sizes and most of all... Color!

 Each flower has it's own distinctive shape and welcomes the others to form a mini parade
all on their own.
So majestic, so wonderful and lively.

 It's been raining like the blazes here in Central
 Virginia... more in the month of May
than in  April. I've started a raised garden
with hopes to have a few Veggies this year.

I may plant a few flowers...we shall see.
Though I am enjoying the beauty of others garden flowers and gardens of all sorts.
Spring may have been a real wet one...
But such wonders as these are flowers are a gift
to enjoy and make lovely photos to enjoy for
many passing seasons.
I hope you find small treasures around you this Spring and Summer.... cherish the small things 
we all take for granted. Be with nature as they smile at you. Until next time, find joy in all that you do. I love you... K'