Saturday, October 17, 2015

Images Of My Autumn

 my favorite season, my favorite time
of the year. When the Earth's precious beings, the trees are showing their illustrious colors - to send us a message... how beautiful we really are.

We take so much for granted, we forget the simple beauty that is around us, we forget the simple beauty, in us all. Look at our reflection, one last time before the cold sets in and takes us into some type of survival mode - to reflect, forgive, and move forward.

 And while the road, may be long to reach our quest for happiness, we must embrace
this simplicity of beauty in us... Autumn is allowing us to do that... one more time.
Too much time is wasted on what we should have...leave it... do what you must do, for yourself.

And while the leaves hang on and bloom one last time their true colors unto you,
you have that chance to show your own colors of who you are.
You may not have done that in the past and keep putting off your true intentions
the greatest of your beauty.
Why postpone any longer?

reminders us, that no time is like the present, the NOW.
So NOW is as good as  any time to change to the true self you really are.
Be in gratitude, walk in truth,
and love all that is around you...
Even when you feel alone
know, that you ARE loved.
That is my Autumn wish for you.

I love you,

(all images by Kat Borges Photography all rights reserved 20150


Monday, October 5, 2015

Turning a Page (Poem)

            a place once home
            is much like turning a page
            in your life.
As the page turns
            your journey slowly unfolds
            the map of memories,
            places visited, lived
            now treasured
            in your heart.
Many are the roads ahead
            detour of tears and fears
            highways of joys and good times
            destination, unknown
            for there is so much to see and do
            people to meet
            to know and love.
A new home
            I look at my surroundings,
            the page of life, turns once more.