Monday, May 25, 2015

The World is,Beautiful

I believe everyone is kind and good, as to how they extend their goodness and kindness - it's a sliding scale.
We have to believe the world is beautiful with beautiful people - who care about each other. I have to believe this so that my life will ride on a smooth road. It has been a smooth road till now and I desire the road to stay that way for the rest of my life.
I do hope you find peace in your heart,
Don't trouble yourself with the drama of others... just take care of you.
write soon.
love to hear what you think.
keep you head held High and walk proudly.

"The beauty of truth comes from one's own soul. We learn that the kindness we possess and pass on to others is to learn humility and attain grace. As well as wisdom, from the passage of time. Also the experience we learn, is all beautiful. truth and love is all there is, really. I love you, I do...Kat."

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Don't you know how wonderful you are?

I often write about how I am feeling currently. Something on my mind that tugs my thoughts, sometimes it's my heart, and sometimes it's a bit of both heart and mind. With that said I speak my truth, to convey to you that what I am saying is real to me, so you're getting the real me.
We as humans deal with so much in life. We have are ups. everything is going well and we show little to express our joys because all is right with us so why bother. But we should express these loving joys so that others can anticipate in wonder what it really feels like to be in joy, to be happy. We just don't express that enough here. I'd like to see more happiness in all. The lightness of being in humans is beautiful sometimes indescribable as if you have to be here to experience what it is she's so happy about.

Some of us take what people say to us personal, well don't. you ought to know yourself a bit better than to be told how worthless you are. Yes, we all get down. We can describe is our inner darkness, our failures, loss love, etc. Many contemplate an extreme to rid a pain so great so incredibly aching that you feel you have to take it upon yourself to end it all in self hurting or suicide. 

Don't you know how wonderful you are? Don't you know that you are unique in every way. You are one of a kind. You can do things in a way others can say, wow, I never thought about this or that. You are a special individual. Each of us have a road of life to ride on. We meet each other at a given rest stop. We either hitch a ride together for a bit, then get off. Yes, it may hurt when someone can ride with you anymore cause this is where they have to get off to follow their life's road in a different direction. We all don't  ride in the same path, but we do need to follow was is best for us, the strive the yearn for happiness is instilled in us - we just have to believe in ourselves a bit more.
I am no different than you. I do get down and I have written about my low times. But I do write what I love what makes me happy what intrigues me and my life. I have a passion to write to say how I feel and not give a damn how any one thinks of me. I know the people who care about me, who love me and know the kind of person I am and that's a gift. So beautiful, it's a miracle to have loving caring people around you. I enjoy making new friends - I feel like a child so thrilled I want to know you, I want to know all about you, how your mind ticks and want you to know me, too. And if you are like minded like me - well you know who you are. I so much appreciate all that you are, and I hope I tell you this often.

I just want you to know that whatever troubles you maybe going through is temporary easier said than done, right? No, but it's not difficult either. But look at it this way, you spend so much precious energy being down, try to change it. Say to yourself, this is temporary, I don't want to feel this way anymore, fuck it, I want to be happy, I want to feel good. So cry kick scream for a bit, shake it off, take a nap, turn the phone and the computer off. Give time for ME to heal. Watch something funny on TV or go sit outside and breath. Find something simple that brings you joy and stop contemplating the worse or blaming others for your problems. It's you who needs attention so pay attention to yourself. No one can make you happy but you, get it? So step up and be kind to you and you will see a lovely change in you.
And fear? Well, what about fear? what are you so afraid of that's keeping you from being happy. Be brave and face the fear. Tell fear to get the hell out and demand to be happy. You so deserve it, we all do. Hey we all get down, but we have to get up sometime and see the light of life, right? I have to believe in me in order to live and I hope you do, too. So when you look outside sometime today and see some clouds roll by. Just look at them and know, That I was thinking of you and wishing you peace and most of all, I want you to be, just happy. You are so loved.